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Monument Jogja Back

Monument Jogja Back

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Location-Monument Yogya Kembali (Monjali) located in the ring-road in the northern city of Yogyakarta exactly protruding Hamlet, Village Sariharjo, District Ngaglik, Kapubaten Sleman. Yogya Kembali Monument Museum, is a museum of history of the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta city and managed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Museum located in the north of the city is visited by many students in the event of excursions.

Yogya Kembali Monument Name Meaning

    Yogya Kembali Monument name is a symbol of government functioning again as tetengger Republic of Indonesia and the withdrawal of Dutch troops withdrawn history of the capital city of Yogyakarta on June 29, 1949 and the return of President Soekarno, Vice-President Mohammad Hatta and other officials on July 6, 1949 in Yogyakarta.

Architecture Building Design Philosophy

     Design buildings that shaped this mountain became a symbol of fertility and meaningful cultural preserve prehistoric ancestors. Laying bangunanpun follow cultural Yogyakarta, located on the imaginary axis that connects the Merapi, Monument, Palace, Stage Tritis Krapyak and Parang. Macrocosmic shaft or axis of Life. Imaginary point in the building which stands on 5.6 hectare of land can be seen on the third floor, precisely at the site of the founding of the flagpole.
Yogya Kembali Monument (Monjali) built to commemorate the history of national struggle, on June 29, 1985. Laying the first stone monument as high as 31.8 meters made by HB IX after the traditional ceremony of planting buffalo head. Four years later, on July 6, 1989, this building was finished. The opening was inaugurated by President Suharto signing the inscription.
Construction of the monument with a conical shape and consists of three floors was completed within four years and inaugurated the opening date of July 6, 1989 by the President at that time, Suharto. Monument as high as approximately 8.31 m is located in the protruding Hamlet, Village Sinduadi, Mlati District, Sleman regency. Cone shape symbolizes the shape of the mountain that became the symbol of fertility but have meaning to preserve the culture of pre-historic ancestors. Yogya Kembali Monument site selection also has reason berlatarkan Yogya culture, the monument lies on the axis or imaginary axis that connects the Mount Merapi, Monument, Palace, and the coast of Parang Stage Krapyak Tritis. Imaginary axis is often called the shaft or axis of the macrocosm of Life. Own imaginary point you can see on the 3rd floor of the founding place of the flagpole. Building the monument is composed of the front garden where visitors can see the PSU Caliber 60mm cannon made in Russia, while the front page you can find replica aircraft and aircraft Cureng Guntai used in the event of this struggle.

Learning History of Struggle

          Entering the museum there is a wall that meets the south side of the monument containing the names Rana List of Heroes where visitors can see the 422 names of fallen heroes in the area Wehrkreise III between December 19, 1948 until June 29, 1949 and Karawang-Bekasi poem written by Khairil Anwar.
Building a monument consisting of three floors divided into several sections. The entire building is surrounded by a pool of water. On the first floor is a museum where there are four rooms presenting a collection of objects: realia, replicas, photographs, documents, heraldika, various types of weapons, evocative shape kitchen all of which describe the atmosphere of the war of independence 1945-1949. Visitors can see the stretcher used to carry the Great Commander General Sudirman during the guerrilla war, army uniforms and the carriage has also been used by the Great Commander General Sudirman. It is said that the total collection of items in the museum in the thousands. The library uses a single space on one floor which is a special library that provides reference materials history of Indonesia's independence struggle and can be utilized by the public. Function Room is the room located in the middle of the room complete the first floor with its open stage. Every Saturday and Sunday the room was held a variety of attractions such as classical dance, gamelan, electone music that plays patriotic songs.Multipurpose room can be used by the public for weddings, seminars, graduation and others. On the second floor of the outer walls that protect the body of the monument, visitors can see 40 pieces Relief Physical Struggle and Diplomacy struggle Nation Indonesia since August 17, 1945 until December 28, 1949. Visitors can see, among others, Major General Meyer relief that threaten Sri Sultan HB IX on March 3, 1949, the President and other leaders returned to Yogyakarta, the statement of Sri Sultan HB IX stating that the Special Region of Yogyakarta is part of the Republic of Indonesia, CelebrationIndependence in the pages of Ngayogyakarta and others. In building the second floor there is a struggle of ten dioramas Physical and Diplomacy Nation Indonesia since December 19, 1948 until August 17, 1949 with the size of the life-size buildings encircling the monument. Diorama begins with the Dutch Military Aggression entered the city of Yogyakarta in order to repossess Replublik Indonesia on December 19, 1948 where visitors can see miniature planes similar to the Dutch made were genuine. If you come accompanied by a guide then the guide will be happy to explain to you the real events that happened when Dutch troops led by Captain Van Langen overran Maguwo Air Field (now Adisucipto) at 08.00 and held a clean sweep of what is encountered along the way to Yogyakarta City (Solo Street). Approximately at 16.00 Dutch troops already controlled the whole city of Yogyakarta and several other important places like the Presidential Palace (Great House) and Vredeburg. Since then the struggle to retake the State of RI to begin. Tenth diorama presented in chronological time making it easier for visitors to understand the actual sequence of events. Here we are also increasingly struggle to understand the role of General Sudirman, who was with the health condition is very weak and left lungs still forced himself fought by guerrillas, although the President had asked him to stay with him alone. This diorama presented the early-early. Inserted in the midst of a diorama scene also known as the General March 1, 1949 attack led by Lt. Col. Soeharto who have political goals, psychological and military in which the Indonesian people want to preach to the world about its existence. The success of SU News March 1, 1949 is successfully disseminated through radio network Air Force PC-2 with a password in Banaran, Playen, Gunung Kidul a relay to get to Burma, India and up to the representatives of Indonesia in the UN. Towards the final diorama we could see the end of a long and exhausting struggle in which the nation finally withdrawn from the Dutch troops in Yogyakarta on June 29, 1949 and Sri Sultan HB IX acts as a security coordinator overseeing the withdrawal of the troops and ending with the Rum-Royen Agreement on May 7, 1949. Satisfied listened to the guide about the history of the struggle of the nation do not forget taking the time to the third floor of the building of monuments, called Room Garbha Graha or Silence. In this room there is a flagpole with a red and white flag attached to the middle of the room. There are reliefs on the walls in the form of a fist can be interpreted as a physical struggle and diplomacy that is described by the hand holding the pen. The guide will ask visitors to bow their heads for a moment and pray for the souls of the heroes who died in defense of independence is acceptable in God's hand in accordance with the charitable devotion. This monument is very appropriate to our means to understand history without feeling patronized because of the role of guide in presenting each story in a diorama is very interesting and not boring. Here visitors will be refreshed his memory of the history of national struggle and find out who the characters behind the struggle. No one if you visit this monument with the family because in addition to all the places mentioned monument is also equipped with a garden located on the west and east. Some of the performing arts such as keroncong and mixed juice is often held memorial garden is mainly in festivals such as Eid al-Fitr.


The monument is open every Tuesday - Sunday at 08:00 to 16:00 pm during the school holidays but the monument is also open on Mondays from 08:00 to 14:00 hours GMT.With an entrance fee of Rp 5,000 for adults and Rp 7,500 for foreign tourists this place is worthy to be a place you travel with the family visit.

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