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Basic Photography Techniques

Actually what is important from the techniques of digital photography? , There are some things that are essential in producing a photograph, is mengtur several variables on the camera to the photo on the production line with expectations and Over Under no exposure

Basic Digital Photography Techniques: Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed ​​in Indonesian called shutter speed or the speed of the cover in terms of photography is a curtain that covers the camera's exposure sensor surface or on the surface of the film or image sensor earlier. photos. If the curtain is open there will be the image capture.

Initially the shutter is made of sheet metal, but most modern cameras use a cover made from fabric faster shutter speeds. Coverings made of fabric has a strength of about 50.000 to 200.000 times the open-close (conduct exposure). Cloth worn or damaged can be easily replaced in the center of the camera brand sales service is concerned. to reduce the weight of the camera and to get the length of the curtain is open is determined by setting the aperture on the camera.

Digital photography allows us to understand the world of photography, shots can be in review directly through an LCD window, so that we can evaluate the shots, because of technical data relating to the shots had been seen and recorded, in contrast to conventional photography, where we have to print them first and see , review and evaluate the results jeperetan, its technical data we must also record it in advance, so take plenty of money and time wasted to improve our photography skills.

Digital photography art can be described as painting with light, in this case the camera and lens that replaces the role of brush and paint. There are two things that hold the most important role in the camera and lens, the Shutter Speed ​​and Aperture.

Shutter Speed ​​is the length of time required to irradiate the CMOS or CCD sensor in digital cameras, and film in conventional cameras. In the figures listed Kemera 250,125,60,30,15 ff. This means the duration of irradiation is 1 / 250 sec, 1 / 125 sec, 1 / 60 sec, and so on.

Bigger number means less time is used, this will create the effect of silence (freeze), for example, we will be photographing a moving object, eg a car, with the effect of silence, we need at least a shutter speed above 1 / 125 sec
Conversely, if we will be photographing the object with moving effect, then the required shutter speed is less than 1 / 125 sec, should be done by following the direction of motion of objects, this technique called panning,

Two things also from the above depending on the speed of the moving object, the faster the object moves, it means that the higher the shutter speed is needed in order to acquire still or moving effect we want, should be noted, the lower the shutter speed, will result in the greater likelihood of camera shaking , which will result in shots to be rocking and not sharp.

To be safe, use a shutter speed above 30 or 1 / 30 sec, if it wants a lower shutter speed, eg 1 / 15 sec, 1 / 8 sec ato lower, use a brace or use a tripod.

*) Additional Create SS
SS was very influential with the results from a photograph.
ss is the core of the higher speed that is in use then the results of that image will be darker and the camera records more quickly so that the resulting image will seakaan silent (when taking a moving object) Shuter arrangement in accordance with the actual speed of light is needed from the object to be recorded by the camera.
1 / 200 - 1 / 2000 is used when the weather is scorching hot with high light
1 / 60 - 1 / 200 is used when the weather is a little dark and the weather hot sun was low and
1 / 20 - 1 / 60 is used to light the dark who
"30" - "1" Shuter speed speed is used to record objects in the night.
source: hiduptuberputar.wordpress.com

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