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Underwater Model photography

Models and fashion photography underwater photography increasingly popular among lovers of Indonesia or any other country. If underwater photography is more focused photographs of marine life as an object of photography, underwater photography model emphasizes the stylized model in water.
Taking photos of models in water has a different difficulty levels when compared with photographing marine life. Shoot under water, at swimming pool, or sea, need the ability to dive. Because not many models that can dive.
When breathing with the aid of diving equipment, the model would have to understand the basic benafas using diving equipment. For example when at a depth of 4 meters, model assisted breathing with a regulator who brought divers diving equipment. The device stand-by in addition to the model so the model does not need to go up and down. To be at a depth of 4 meters, the model must be given a weight (2-4 pounds) so as not to float. Without ballast, she can not fall down. The trend has legs raised. This resulted in a model can not pose perpendicular. When it uses weights, he could touch-floor swimming pool. He was breathing with the help of divers brought reglator side.
Most models are very scared when he was at a depth of 4 meters without using diving equipment. They’re afraid to breathe with his mouth. The first difficulty for models to pose in water, breathing with the mouth without the help of a mask. The second, maintain the eye open. Typically, high levels of chlorine resulted in a sore eye. Third, maintaining a smile, but should not hold up to make the cheeks look big. Fourth, do not spend too much bubble. It’s different when the model directly without the help of a respirator dive. This is done when the model was at a depth of 1-2 meters. But the ability of the model did not survive long in water.
Photographing in the water would need a medium of water as a conductor. Water is very influenced by the dissolved particles in it. Including viscosity. Therefore, a clear water to avoid reduction in sharpness. Clarity of pool water is strongly influenced anyaknya dissolved chlorine.
The more chlorine in the water, the greater the sharpness redusi photos, let alone the many people who at swimming pool. Replacement of pool water is not too often result in more dissolved impurities. For sea water medium, the movement of the photographing subjects in fine particles of sea water make the jump.
Actually, the ideal shooting distance in underwater photos can not be longer than 3 meters although water clarity is very influential in the determination of shooting distance. Shooting distance effect on the detail. The farther the distance shooting, the more detail is lost. In addition it raises a lot of noise to the underwater photos.
Another thing that needs to be understood, the direction of the light in the water. Moreover, if the photographer only rely on available lighting. Shoot below the water nicer to do so when the sun is not too high. That evening and morning. At that time, the fall of light in water can form a Rembrandt light. Shooting during the impact on the emergence of shadow-like tiger skin caused by the movement of surface water. Top lighting can cause shadows on the eyes sunken.
In the water changes the perspective of the photographed object. Cause, there are differences in the refractive index of water and air. Model becomes closer to who took it. This means that there is a change of distance, such as changes in magnification between analog cameras and digital SLR APS. Obejk on land would become closer in the water.
Another important thing, underwater photographers still have to understand that the light enters the water will have a color absorption. At a depth of 1-5 meters, no color is lost. On into the 50-10 meters, the red color will disappear. Getting into the dominant color is green and blue so that the necessary clothing model that contrasts with the color blue and green.
In the water will occur two stops exposure reduction. Reduction of exposure is also dependent on the level of depth. The use of ISO 400 to reduce the exposure reduction. After that the speed should not be lower than 1 / 125.

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