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In order to photos do not blur

Typically, novice photographer error is miscalculated the shutter speed (shutter speed) so that the image becomes blurry.
There are two main factors that make photos into a blur.
The first is setting your shutter speed is too slow compared with the range of the lens (focal length) of your lens. In general, so that your images do not blur caused by hand shake us, the formula is 1 / lens focal range. For example, if you take photos in the 100mm focal range, then you need a shutter speed of 1 / 100.
This formula applies when you use the full frame sensor camera. For digital SLR cameras available on the market, mostly using smaller sensors. These sensors vary from one camera to another. But in general, using a 1.6x Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax and Olympus using 1.5X using 2X. Given these variations, then the calculation becomes slightly more complicated.
Back to the earliest examples where you decide use the 100mm focal range on the Canon Rebel camera that uses a minimum of 1.6x would you have to use 1 / 160 to prevent blur. (Obtained from 100mm x 1.6).
Why the greater the range fokalnya, you should use a faster shutter speed? this is due to the greater focal range, the more sensitive sensor to capture vibration.
The second factor is that you photograph objects moving fast, so the shutter speed must also follow the rapid motion of the subject of the photo. For example, to freeze the movement of people running a basketball player, you need a minimum of 1 / 500. For dancers and singers, usually 1 / 200 enough, and to photograph people who do not move 1 / 60 is usually pretty good.
Joe Decker of photo blog Photocrati introduce new factors that affect the sensor pixel size of the blur. He said, the same sensor size cameras, but high-resolution images, requires a faster shutter speed due to the small pixel size is more sensitive in detecting vibration. If this theory is correct, then a size 15 megapixel camera will be more prone to blur rather than a size 6 megapixel camera.

How to prevent

There is also a technology in the camera or lens that is intended to prevent blur. This type of technology is divided into two categories. The first was made in camera, the other inside the lens. His name also varies. Among others, the Image Stabilization (IS) or Vibration Reduction (VR), Steady Shot (SS), Shake Reduction (SR) Mega OIS, Optical Stabilization (OS) and Vibration Compensation (VC). Everything works the same only a different term. This technology could help you but can not help totally. For example, that had you have to use 1 / 200, but with the help of this technology, you can use 1 / 100 or 1 / 60. The technology also could not prevent blur when amengambil And pictures of people or objects are moving fast.
Another thing that can be used to prevent blur, among others, the camera holding techniques or breathing techniques. With hold your breath when taking a picture, and positioning the body with a meeting or leaning on the wall, can help reduce the vibrations that produce blur. source: photographyabdu.com

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