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Light that is hard vs. soft light for portrait photos

What kind of light that's great for portraits?

Portrait photos with harsh light ang
The harsh light, the light sources are relatively small, namely in the afternoon sun. The direction of light from the right side of the model.

There may be a confused, why the sun's rays is called a small light source? This is because the location is very far from Earth that it becomes relatively small in light of the earth, except when clouds covered the sun.

If we look, the harsh light to produce images of high contrast. The shadow that is formed is also very clear and ngeblok (a clear separation between the illuminated and shadow). Such shadows cover most sides of the face so the face looks to be model thin. The texture of the skin such as acne, wrinkles will stand out (fortunately, our model has a face that is quite smooth).
To get a soft light, we need a relatively large light source, in this photo, a spherical reflector in use to block the sunlight coming from the right model. So the fall of environmental light more evenly on the face model.

Well which one is better? light is hard or soft? all depends on taste. I think both as good. The harsh light looks more dramatic, while the soft light that makes the face more smooth.

Well, for all friends, according to your own, which is better? the photo above or below? keep the reason?

Instead the soft light will produce images that are not sekontras harsh light, the texture of the face is not too prominent, and its shadow gradation or almost nothing. source: infofotografi.com

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