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Silhouette Shooting Techniques

The silhouette is a technique in which the main object becomes completely dark and bright background. Thus, as seen from the main object is just shape alone.

Techniques For Photographing Silhouette:

Turn off Flash
First and foremost is the flash on the camera should be turned off, otherwise you will get a regular photo (since the main object was not so dark). So turn off your getting on camera flash

Find the right lighting conditions (backlight)
To produce a silhouette, the background you need more light than the main object. That's why most of the silhouette image done at sunset or sunrise, where the sun (light source) is behind the object that you want the photo (backlighting). But do not limit yourself, silhouette image can be produced at any time, basically you just have to find a background that is lighter than the main object.

Look for an object that looks interesting
Silhouette image will really highlight the shape of the main object, therefore, look for objects with interesting shapes and has a strong character. Note the photo above, because the main object (fish finder) to lose detail and become very dark, the shape would be more exposed. We can clearly see the limits of the curve of the fisherman's body shape, the form of nets and their frames until the droplets of water out of the net. You could also try with other objects.

Look for the appropriate background
To get the silhouette you should find a lighter background. Try also to get an interesting background, but also not crowded so the main object look very prominent. The sky and the beach is a favorite example

Measure the correct exposure (manual / auto)
As much as possible use the manual mode eskposur. Set metering in spot metering. Perform measurements in the background of the brightest. In the example photo above to measure the light the sky above my helmet. Change the combination of aperture and shutter speed according to the results of your metering, particularly in the aperture make sure you set your own (large aperture for the background is somewhat blurry and small aperture for the sharp background). Once you set aperture and shutter speed selected, point the camera to the main object. Arrange h3 and determine the best focus on the main object, then snap ....
If you can not use the manual mode, use auto mode. Point the camera towards the brightest area, in the example above is to the sky above the fish finder, Click your shutter half (do not push the full) and then hold the shutter is not released. Then point the camera to your main object and then snap ....
source: hiduptuberputar.wordpress.com

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