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Who said the pocket camera could not for low light and action photography?

Many think that it earned a pocket camera to photography in a dark place and moreover it was dark and the subject of moving images such as dance performances. I also had thought so. Yesterday I was invited to attend Chinese cultural arts, and seem to be an exciting event because of the presence of the singer and group dance class in China.
But that day I was lazy to bring a DSLR camera, of course, because size and weight. I then bring reliable pocket camera, the Panasonic Lumix LX3. I think yes if the photos will be ugly do not what what is important to enjoy the show.

But the results I see after I transfer photos to your computer really bad. These are my opinions and tips about the differences using a pocket camera or DSLR as photos in a dark place and action photography.

Differences pocket cameras and DSLR cameras
The main difference that I feel must first of all is the size and weight. Pocket camera is much smaller and lighter than a DSLR camera with a lens. With its small size, does not attract anyone’s attention. Besides, if I use a DSLR camera every so often I think about to replace the lens, whereas if you wear a pocket camera, the lens is fixed can not be replaced so I stay focused to take photos only.
Because a small pocket camera sensor, a large depth of field, so that all subjects in the picture into focus from end to end despite a large aperture is used. It is not always the case in DSLR cameras. Often times obtained are subject in clear focus, while away from the subject becomes a bit blurred. How big is blurred depending on the lens aperture in use.
Of course there are also some shortcomings of compact cameras in this type of photo batteries out faster because the pocket camera has a small-capacity battery that can only be roughly as many photos as only approximately 100 photos (full charge). While DSLR can be up to 300-400 photos on a single charge.
In addition, a pocket camera can not compete with DSLR image quality in terms of color quality, noise control (spots) on the images at high ISO. However, if the need photos for web or print is small in size, is actually rather difficult to distinguish between photos taken by compact cameras or digital SLR camera.
Tips on using a pocket camera
Use the manual mode so that the lighting is more optimal because the photo of a performing arts, often fail to specify the camera aperture and shutter speed settings are optimal. Typically a photo would be too light so that the face to white people all. For those who wear pocket camera that has no manual mode, use exposure compensation function.

Do not switch the flash both use a digital camera or DSLR, as it will only disturb the performers and the audience to another. No less important is the use of flash can eliminate the atmosphere of the show and the art of lighting in a special design.
Timing is very important as a slingshot to create an optimal picture. Speed auto focus compact cameras usually slower than a DSLR camera, therefore, pre-focus will be very helpful. Meaning of pre-focus is pressed half of the snap button (shutter) and then press up to full when the defining moment (moment determines) to arrive.
Setting shutter speed according to the condition are also important. Shutter speed determines the amount of light entering the camera, and also record motion effects. If you want to capture the effects of motion, then use a low shutter speed, like 1 / 4 seconds, but if you want to freeze an image, use relatively fast shutter speed, like 1 / 100 second or faster.
Because the lens compact cameras usually can not zoom so far and although it could be much, usually a small maximum aperture (consequently decreasing the image quality, especially in a dark room conditions). Then you should take a photo of a close distance. So the Messiah was not wasted if you have the opportunity to sit in the front row.

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